We have chosen Locus Map as our preffered navigation app on Android due it offers a very rich range of different functionalities and same time is able to read and use 12 different map file formats.
Not surprising configuring and using Locus Map is not understood always at first sight. In this workshop we focus on the following contents:
Upcoming Workshops
Key topics of our workshops are provided as videos on our Youtube channel in the Locus Map Playlist.
Of course these videos do not replace the additional value being provided through active interaction in the workshops.
Same time as the workshops do not require the participants to have any knowledge about Locus Map many contents will be same in workshops and videos.
Main objective of the workshop is provide (future) uses an interactive setting in which they can share their answers and receive insights how to manage their needs within Locus Map.
Without any doubts we always prefer to meet you all in person and conduct workshops physically.
But times have changed and epidemic situation requires us to find different ways. Same time many participants not being located close enough to Vienna were asking about online workshops.
So we decided to provide online and presence workshops. Dates and locations for presences workshop will be provided as soon epidemic situation and rules allow to do so. Taking care of others health and safety is always a first priority.
Best Practice for Online Participation
Best Practice for Presence Workshops
Microsoft Teams
We are using Microsoft Teams for conducting online workshops. Participants can download and use Microsoft Teams for free as well clients are provided for Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS.
Follow the steps of the video guide to prepare your computer or device for participation.
Run Locus Map on a Computer?
Yes, it is possible to run Locus Map same as most Android apps in a virtual machine on your computer.
The following video guide provides you the steps necessary for enabling your Windows system to run Android apps on your computer.
Importanct Notice
You need to have either Windows Enterprise or Professional edition as Home editions are not providing the required virtualizations framework and technologies. For those using MacOS you will find an application and software enabling same on MacOS in the video comments.